Are You Struggling to Love Your Spouse?

In 1. Marriage First, 5. Marriage Needs by Adore Your Spouse

When you first met your spouse, chances are you were attracted to them. As you began dating, your attraction grew as you got to know them. Your attraction to them and love for them grew also, though, because of how YOU treated THEM. Yes, that’s what we said – you fell in love with your spouse largely because of how you treated them.

Take a moment and think back to your dating and perhaps early married years. Think about how you treated your spouse. Didn’t you go out of your way to prove your love to them? Didn’t you pick up flowers on your way to a date or make sure to show lots of physical affection or compliment them often or actively listen to them when they wanted to talk? Weren’t you patient and kind and thoughtful?

Be that way again! Get to know their love language and make sure you take at least one gesture every day to meet that need for them. Listen when they ask you for what they need and do your best to meet their needs. Help them be the best they can be and you’ll find that your loving feelings toward them grow and grow.

We have seen this principle work over and over again! How you feel toward your spouse is largely in your control. DECIDE TODAY to love them better and you’ll find in a few months from now that you’ve BOTH won! You’ll be happier and so will your spouse! We promise!